Screenings, Lectures & Exhibitions

  1. NOLA

NOLA, (6 min.) a short film by Marylou and Jerome Bongiorno, is an impressionistic series of images of Katrina-devastated New Orleans set to music.  Underlying themes include: water, global warming, receding wetlands, breached levees, and a vulnerable New Orleans.

  1. Music in the Dark,  New York, NY,  April 2006

  2. Cape May NJS Film Festival,  Cape May, NJ, November 2006

  3. Atlanta Film Festival Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, April 2007

  4. EcoVision Festival Internazionale di Ambiente e Cinema, Palermo, Italy,  May 2007 

  5. Gray's Reef Ocean Film Festival Savannah, GA, September 2007

  6. When the Water Came: Evacuees of Hurricane Katrina. Scottsdale, AZ,   September 10 through November 26, 2010  Scottsdale Public Art Red.pdf


  2. PBS Series "Natural Heroes" Season 2 Premiere Episode (National),  April 2006 

  3. Crossroads Film Festival Jackson, MS, April 2006

  4. Delta International Film & Video Festival Cleveland, MS, April 2006

  5. Leadership Forum at Silver Bay Silver Bay, NY, July 2006

  6. NYRAG Learning Forum "Voices of the Gulf Coast: Strategies for Hope & Change" NY, NY, July 2006 

  7. Media Directions Female Filmmakers Competition One of 5 Films Selected from over 1000 entries United Kingdom 2006 

  8. Cape May NJS  Film Festival Cape May, NJ, November 2006 

  9. High Falls Film Festival Rochester, NY, November 2006  

  10. Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival,  Seattle, WA,  March 2007

  11. Atlanta Film Festival,  Atlanta, GA,  April 2007

  12. Which Venice - Quale Venezia Associazione Aurora Street in collaborazione con Circuito Off,  Venice, Italy, June 2007 

  13. Gray's Reef Ocean Film Festival, Savannah, GA, September 2007

  14. Montana CINE International Film Festival, Award for Scientific Approach, Missoula, MT, October 2007 

  15. Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival/Tour Selection, Nevada City, CA, January 2008

  16. San Francisco Ocean Film Festival,  San Francisco, CA,  February 2008

  17. Montauk Library, WATERMARK: New Orleans and Venice at High Water,  Montauk, NY, May 4, 2008

  18. The Alberto Italian Studies Institute, A Mardi Gras Celebration: WATERMARK: New Orleans and Venice at High Water,  Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, February 24, 2009

  19. ILICA Saving Venice, Protecting New Orleans Conference, NY, September 25, 2009

  20. Looking Back at Disaster Through Art, Literature, and Film, at Rutgers University, Newark, on Sept. 30, 2010 Five Years After Hurricane Katrina


  1. 744 Gallery Show,  Newark, NJ, October - November 2006

  2. Second Line Gallery Show,  Brooklyn NY, August - September 2007

click on screenings below for information/photos of events

Lakeview, New Orleans,

Nov. 2005

French Quarter, New Orleans,

Nov. 2005

Filmmaker Marylou Tibaldo-Bongiorno

in  Piazza San Marco

Duck planks in a flooded Piazza San Marco