✦CURRICULUM DESCRIPTION: to be used in conjunction with the film Revolution '67, which focuses on the six-day riot in Newark, New Jersey, in the summer of 1967.
✦SUBJECT AREAS: Social Studies, Civics, United States and New Jersey History, Economics, Geography, Media
✦NOTE TO NEWARK PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS: a complimentary copy of the Revolution ’67 DVD has been provided to your school
This curriculum was made possible by the generous support of...
•Curriculum Reviewers: Dr. Margaret S. Crocco, Teachers College, Columbia University, and Dr. Clement A. Price, Rutgers University
•Edited by Marylou Tibaldo-Bongiorno & Jerome Bongiorno, filmmakers
•Teachers-Curriculum Director: Noel Baxter, Teacher of Social Studies
•Curriculum Consultant: Elizabeth Crespo, Supervisor, Office of Social Studies, Newark Public Schools
Teaching Revolution ’67: A Curriculum for High Schools
"This curriculum is thoroughly researched, integrates primary source documents that complement this powerful film, and helps to deepen students' understanding of this complex period of history."
~Marc Skvirsky, Program Director, Facing History and Ourselves
Nutley Park
West Orange
Created in collaboration with:
“Documentary films that explore historical material and historical territory have become enormously important in the classroom,” says the Rutgers historian Clement Price, who consulted on the teaching materials for Revolution ’67, a film in which he also appears. “What Margaret Crocco has done so well, especially in the curricula developed for the films by Spike Lee and the Bongiornos, is to explore what Jim Horton [James Oliver Horton, a historian at George Washington University] calls ‘the tough stuff of American history’—not just slavery, but the 20th century narrative of civil disorder; the conflicts over racism, gender and sexism, and the oppression of minorities—and bring it widely into K-12 classrooms.”
see 2 lessons here
"A succinct and fascinating history lesson."
-Mirelle Cohen, Olympic College
Teach Revolution ’67 in your classroom with this FREE curriculum guide
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